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Paradise introduction

Le Mandi Theme Park is a large playground that combines fashion, movement, excitement and joy. In 2002, Lemandi Theme Park passed the international standard ISO9001 and 14001 quality environmental system certification. On December 24th, 2004, it was awarded as “China Top Ten Theme Park”. In 2007, it won the national 5A level scenic spot, and the top ten scenic spots of China's self-driving tour brand is the representative of China's exquisite theme park.

Business hours
  • Open from Monday to Sunday, closed time
  • Tickets were stopped 2 hours before the park closed, and the park was stopped 1.5 hours before the park was closed.
  • If there is any change, please refer to the announcement of the park.
Paradise map
Wonderful review
  • 来自于同程网评价


    score: 意外的惊喜,云南没有,一直想玩来着。惊险刺激,差点就后悔了,最后还是跳下去了。海盗船也非常惊恐,完全没有安全带每回都以为自己要掉出去了。在下面看人家叫的一个惊悚还不以为然,自己上去叫的一个比一个惊悚。后面玩的有点想吐,好多项目都没有玩,很可惜呢!淡季比较好,体验的比较愉快,里面风景也不错!

  • 来自于去哪儿网评价


    score: 第二次去乐满地了,第一次是十多年之前,记得去的人非常多,这一次是桂林米粉节票价优惠一半75元,说实在的非常划算,是大人带小朋友去玩的好地方,可以锻炼人的胆量和意志能力,例如海盗船、蹦极、过山车等让您达到一定的境界,总之有机会和时间还可以再玩一玩!

  • 来自于携程的评价


    score: 乐满地的门票购买从携程上很方便,碰到做活动例如短裙节沙滩裤节的就更划算了。游乐设施有年头了,可是一点不影响游玩,飞椅,蹦极,过山车都不错。而且这个游乐园明显比国内其他新晋游乐园要宽松,过山车2岁半的孩子都在玩,这得多虎啊,不过我喜欢,只要安全,为什么那么多限制……水上项目也很好,大人小孩甚至小不点儿都能玩,总之,我喜欢。就算人多也比方特之类的拍一两个小时的时间短,一天能全部要一遍~有机会真可以去的!
